Factors related with the donation of blood in the Santo Domingo city
Introduction: Factors related to blood donation according to various studies carried out recently have shown us the importance that they have for the population to refrain from donations. Therefore, it is important to identify the factors that influence in blood donation in Santo Domingo city.
Methods: A quantitative approach was employed, with a transversal type design, using a quota sampling. A total of 384 people from Santo Domingo city was included in the study. The same survey was used as questionnaire and for the statistical analyses, the SPSS Computational Program was utilized.
Results: The data obtained from this research showed that 97% of respondents have heard about blood donation, 58% believe that blood has a commercial purpose, 23% donated blood and 57.8% would donate voluntarily. 71% consider the fear of extraction, 89% bad health, 78% distrust of material sterility and 60% do not know where to donate. 15% of the population is susceptible to beliefs and myths regarding the donation of blood.
Conclusions: In the study conducted in the Santo Domingo city has evidenced that the donation of blood is not linked to beliefs and myths; but there are certain types of factors that generate a deficit of this vital fluid in blood banks.
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