The problematic of the national investigation and the ethical aspects involved

  • César Paz y Miño Universidad UTE Ecuador
  • Ivonne Ochoa García IESS-UDA, Cuenca – Ecuador
Keywords: ethics, investigation, normative, scientific, bureaucracy


The objective of this article is to build a current vision of the investigative reality in front of the main actors of scientific research with human beings in Ecuador and their ethics in the development of science. It analyzes the current situation of the legal and regulations that intervene in scientific development and the need to ensure that research constitutes an impulse and training activity in universities and institutions. It is argued that national research is subject to new and more sophisticated obstacles, regulations, inadequate and punitive internal controls, ignorance of the intrinsic and autonomous right of institutions and researchers, which leads to production in science is very scarce.


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Author Biography

César Paz y Miño, Universidad UTE Ecuador

Universidad UTE Ecuador



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How to Cite
Paz y Miño C, Ochoa García I. The problematic of the national investigation and the ethical aspects involved. PFR [Internet]. 2019Nov.30 [cited 2024Dec.26];4(3). Available from: