Professions of the professor of the medical career
Education for doctors and other health professionals have particularities and faces challenges that must be aligned with current higher education regulations. Preparing competent professionals that respond to society needs becomes the main objective and responsibility of universities. Teachers play an important role in the quality of the training of medical professionals; nevertheless, teaching in health careers is still empirically conducted, without adequate pedagogical preparation. Medical education in the knowledge society and the development of information and communication technologies (ICT), requires that teachers assume a leading role to face a changing reality and new paradigms. The competences of the medical career professor and other health careers have been analyzed in different contexts identifying the capacities to plan and manage curricular, didactic, methodological and administrative aspects of education; additionally, disciplinary; communication, interpersonal relationships and teamwork; evaluation of the educational process, research and project management; use of ICT´S and innovation among others. Although ethical aspects are currently present in doctor training, the teacher´s ethical requirements must be analyzed so it contributes to an integral doctor preparation. Universities must scrutinize and define the competencies of their teachers to achieve skilled professionals in medicine and other health careers.
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