Covid 19: latest evidence

  • Diego Herrera Saludesa Ecuador
  • David Gaus Andean Health & Development
Keywords: covid 19, coronavirus, pandemic


This update is part of the series of clinical updates, published in the two previous issues of the Rural Family Practice Magazine, the objective is to make available to health professionals the updated evidence on epidemiology, community transmission, risk of infection of health personnel, pathophysiology and extrapulmonary clinical manifestations, taking into account that in the first stage of the pandemic much focus was placed on the respiratory system.
Finally, we transcribed the guidelines on ventilatory support in patients who may require Intensive Care and the new recommendations on pharmacological treatment.


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21. National Institutes of Health, USA, ultima actualización 9 octubre 2020) National Institutes of Health, USA, ultima actualización 9 octubre 2020) National Institutes of Health, USA, ultima actualización 9 octubre 2020) National Institutes of Health, USA, ultima actualización 9 octubre 2020)
How to Cite
Herrera D, Gaus D. Covid 19: latest evidence. PFR [Internet]. 2020Nov.17 [cited 2024Sep.8];5(3). Available from:

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