Sinobronchial Syndrome with Sinus Polyposis

  • Patricio Esteban Verdugo Verdugo UDLA
  • Cabrera Sierra Vitalia Alexandra Cabrera UDLA
  • Acosta Mejía Katlyn Gabrielle Acosta UDLA
  • Delgado Vega José Delgado UDLA
Keywords: Key Words: Polyposis, sinusitis, CT scan, productive cough, nasal obstruction


Sinobronchial syndrome is the diagnosis of sinusitis with pulmonary involvement. Sinus polyposis is the inflammatory condition of the nasal mucosa associated with various respiratory pathologies. We presented the case of a 24-year-old woman with a productive cough and nasal obstruction of two months of evolution, who has treated with azithromycin, dextromethorphan and codeine, with no improvement. On physical examination, hypertrophic turbinates, septum deviated to the right, erythematous mucosa and whitish secretions on the floor of the nasal mucosa. Oropharynx with erythema on the posterior wall, aseptic tonsils and moderate postnasal drip. Tympanic membranes with slight opacity. No lymphadenopathy. Bilateral wheezing rales in middle and basal lung fields. The computerized axial tomography (CT) shows sinus congestion, right deviation of the nasal septum. Endoscopy of the paranasal sinuses is performed to resolve the chronic sinusitis picture. In the trans-surgical finding, nasal polyps were evidenced, sent to histopathology confirming the diagnosis. The postoperative evolution is positive. There are few diagnosed cases of Sinobronchial Syndrome, in general, distant complications of sinusitis are not considered as the first cause of productive cough and the fortuitous finding of nasal polyposis, alerting doctors to carry out a more exhaustive search for the etiologies of respiratory symptoms.


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How to Cite
Verdugo PEV, Cabrera CSVA, Acosta AMKG, Delgado DVJ. Sinobronchial Syndrome with Sinus Polyposis. PFR [Internet]. 2021Mar.30 [cited 2024Sep.8];6(1). Available from:
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