The end of health as a right: the political discourse vs the reality of the system
public health, new social determinants, exhaustion of the health model
Among the most repeated declarations in Latin American political speeches are phrases such as "health is a right", but this is not completely true. There are determinants that, together with the socioeconomic conditions typical of developing countries, cast doubt on the universality of this assertion.
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2. Organización Panamericana de la Salud. Gastos directos de bolsillo en salud: la necesidad de un análisis de género OPS , editor. Washington, D.C.; 2021.
3. Kruk M GAACea. High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution. Lancet Glob Health. 2018 Noviembre; 6(11).
4. Álvarez S. Crisis en la medicina de familia: una perspectiva bioética desde la práctica diaria. Atención Primaria. 2010; 42(10).
5. Dedeu A,LC,MJMJ,yPJ. Reflexiones sobre la atención primaria de salud Fundación Alternativas; 2011.
How to Cite
Herrera D. The end of health as a right: the political discourse vs the reality of the system. PFR [Internet]. 2022Mar.28 [cited 2024Nov.22];7(1). Available from: