Perception of the population about the provision of public and private health services in the city of Esmeraldas
The health system in the province of Esmeraldas is concentrated in the canton and capital of the province, being the public sector, the one that covers the largest number of attentions, like the rest of the country, presents corruption and scarcity of resources. , and with an insufficient complementary private network, accessibility to health services becomes a problem that does not satisfy the felt needs of the population.
General objective: To know the accessibility and the felt needs of the population of the Esmeraldas canton, to the local health services.
Materials and Method: A quantitative study with descriptive statistics was used, with the voluntary participation of 336 people of legal age from the Province of Esmeraldas; In the month of January 2022, sociodemographic and economic variables, accessibility to health services and the requirements of specialties and medical services of the population studied were analyzed.
The data analysis was carried out with the information collected through a survey, organized in Excel tables that allowed obtaining percentage relationships of the data obtained.
Results: 100% of the people who were surveyed, required during the last year, some type of medical attention, be it emergency, hospitalization, ICU, or external consultation through specialized medical consultation, of these it stands out that the majority were treated In the Public Health Network, to understand this great demand we must clarify that the Covid-19 epidemic occurred during the year prior to the survey.
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