Indirect trauma to the left foot with impossibility to walk. Surgical need? Case Report

  • Ruth Aydeé Solá Navarrete Hospital General del Sur de Quito, IESS
  • Guido Ricardo Mendoza Arrieta Hospital General del Sur de Quito, IESS
  • Daniel Bolívar Moreano Sánchez Guasmo Sur Hospital
  • Miguel Ochoa-Andrade Central University of Ecuador


Traumatisms at the level of the lower extremities can have different treatment edges, which can be conservative versus surgical, depending on the degree of bone injury. The case of a 39-year-old patient with trauma to the left foot with a plantar hyperflexion mechanism with added axial load is presented, which causes intense pain and inability to walk, with radiographic evidence of severe injury to the tarsometatarsal joint, cataloging as a Lisfranc lesion, a pathology that represents less than 1% of all bone lesions, characterized by low-energy traumas where indirect forces act that lead to serious injuries, which can cause severe anatomical and functional damage to the patient's foot.


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How to Cite
Solá Navarrete RA, Mendoza Arrieta GR, Moreano Sánchez DB, Ochoa-Andrade M. Indirect trauma to the left foot with impossibility to walk. Surgical need? Case Report. PFR [Internet]. 2023Mar.27 [cited 2024Oct.16];8(2):e-264. Available from:
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