Usos de Internet y Medios Sociales por parte de los ciudadanos con relación a su salud, el COVID-19 y el impacto en la relación médico-paciente en San Juan de Puerto Rico

  • Iván de la Cruz Cuebas UNIVERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO
Keywords: Internet; social media; health, COVID-19, doctors, patients


The Internet and social media have entered all areas of daily life and, increasingly, are delving into the search for health information. This study focused on patients' use of the Internet to search for information about health and COVID-19, what type of web pages or networks they visit and their impact on the doctor-patient relationship. A sample size of 124 people was achieved to reach a margin of error of 7.5% and a confidence level of 90%. Citizens surveyed demonstrated using Internet information sources for health purposes, in a very balanced way between websites versus social media. Health searches on the Internet continue to rise. COVID-19 prevailed as the most important health issue followed by depression and mental illness, which is compatible with the time of pandemic. Keywords: Internet; social media; health, COVID-19, doctors, patients


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How to Cite
de la Cruz Cuebas I. Usos de Internet y Medios Sociales por parte de los ciudadanos con relación a su salud, el COVID-19 y el impacto en la relación médico-paciente en San Juan de Puerto Rico. PFR [Internet]. 2023Jul.31 [cited 2024Sep.16];8(2). Available from: