Job satisfaction of health personnel during covid-19 in the city of Loja - Ecuador

  • Walter Patricio Castelo Rivas Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Santo Domingo
  • David Monge Barrera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Santo Domingo
  • Mikaela Mishelle Maldonado Cabrera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Santo Domingo
  • Karina Alexandra Carrion Pullaguari
Keywords: Key words: COVID – 19, job satisfaction, health personnel, health infrastructure, population characteristics, professional competence.


Introduction: The World Health Organization stated that the COVID-19 disease became an outbreak that constituted a Public Health Emergency of International Importance. In Brazil, its first case was reported on February 26, in Argentina on March 7, and in Ecuador on February 28, generating an excess demand for patients in health services, mainly in emergencies and ICUs.

Objective: Analyze staff satisfaction in terms of professional competence and hospital infrastructure during the health emergency.

Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational and field approach was applied. With a sample of 394 health professionals from the city of Loja. For the collection of information, the virtual survey is used as a technique and the Font-Roja questionnaire as an instrument, which was adapted to obtain better information for the research topic, having a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.741 as reliability.

Results: There was a greater response in nursing professionals by 78%, the general satisfaction in a level of satisfaction in 74.6%.

Conclusions: It was found that there was job satisfaction due to factors such as the approval of the humanitarian law, which helped link front-line personnel to public institutions, giving them the right to an indefinite contract, which can be evidenced in the dimension of professional promotion.


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How to Cite
Castelo Rivas WP, Monge Barrera D, Maldonado Cabrera MM, Carrion Pullaguari KA. Job satisfaction of health personnel during covid-19 in the city of Loja - Ecuador. PFR [Internet]. 2024Mar.29 [cited 2024Dec.22];9(1). Available from: