Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Is euthanasia justified?

  • Daniel Simancas-Racines UTE
  • María José Góngora Universidad UTE
Keywords: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, euthanasia, public health, catastrophic disease


The objective of this work is to describe the need for health care that a terminally ill person may require to achieve a dignified death that alleviates their ailments. When a patient has developed a serious, incurable chronic disease that, in the advanced stage, is described as disabling and impossible because it causes total dependence to carry out daily activities and intolerable physical and/or mental suffering, it is essential to question the role of society and of the health system to guarantee a dignified life even at the end of days. We describe as an example amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that affects the neurons of the brain and spinal cord. It is considered one of the most catastrophic motor neuron diseases that affects two out of every 100,000 people on the planet, according to data from the World Health Organization. On the other hand, we analyze euthanasia as an alternative to compliance with the patient's rights. The word euthanasia comes from the Greek words eu = good and thanatos = death, "Good death." This term has evolved and currently refers to the act of ending the life of another person at their request, in order to minimize suffering. The media case of Paola Roldan, a brave 42-year-old woman with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is discussed. Her condition has been listed as; severe chronic, incurable, disabling and impossible because it causes total dependence to carry out daily activities. According to the regulations approved in other countries where euthanasia has been legalized, Paola could request health help for a dignified death and it would be totally justified given her incurable clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis. It is essential for public health to motivate the creation of policies that allow respecting the individual right of people to decide about their death.


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How to Cite
Simancas-Racines D, Góngora MJ. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Is euthanasia justified?. PFR [Internet]. 2023Nov.29 [cited 2024Sep.8];8(3). Available from: