Food Safety academic network. Revolutionizing Food Security in the Americas through Collaborative Research and Innovation

  • Yadira Morejón-Terán Centro de Investigación de Salud Pública y Epidemiología Clínica (CISPEC)
  • Andrés Viteri-García Centro de Investigación en Salud Pública y Epidemiología Clínica (CISPEC)
  • Daniel Simancas-Racines Centro de Investigación en Salud Pública y Epidemiología Clínica (CISPEC)
Keywords: Food safety, Collaborative Research, sustainable development


Introduction: Food security is achieved when all people have physical and economic access to safe, sufficient, and nutritious food, which is an important determinant of the well-being and development of populations. This study proposes the creation of research networks as a proposal multidimensional approach to food insecurity, focusing on collaboration and capacity development in the region. Objectives: To facilitate collaboration among academic institutions to share resources and experiences; to promote interdisciplinary research on critical aspects of food security; to develop capacities and human resource training in the field. Methods: The following phases are proposed: Phase 1: Planning and design of the network, defining objectives, and establishing governance structures; Phase 2: Establishment of collaboration infrastructure, including communication platforms and the development of shared resources. Phase 3: Promotion of interdisciplinary research and capacity development through pilot projects and training programs; Phase 4: Evaluation and adjustment with monitoring systems and feedback channels. Conclusion: Academic and research networks can improve well-being and respond effectively to food crises, promoting sustainable food systems through evidence-based decision-making. In research, networks encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation, allowing for the generation of large-scale evidence and the development of creative solutions to advance research and improve public health in the Americas, addressing the underlying causes of food insecurity and promoting sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Morejón-Terán Y, Viteri-García A, Simancas-Racines D. Food Safety academic network. Revolutionizing Food Security in the Americas through Collaborative Research and Innovation. PFR [Internet]. 2024Mar.29 [cited 2024Sep.8];9(1). Available from:

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