Pott's disease

  • Isaac Miguel Tobar Zamora Hospital Hesburgh
  • Corina Alicia Guevara Guevara Hospital Hesburgh
  • Olaya Ramos Galo Wladimir Hospital Hesburgh
Keywords: lumbar pain, paresthesias, hemiplegia, discitis, paravertebral collection


73-year-old male patient with a history of arterial hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia undergoing treatment and orchiectomy for testicular tuberculosis 24 years ago. He was referred to our health unit for presenting a clinical picture of 4 months of evolution characterized by lumbar pain with intensity 4/10, at the level of L3-L4 with bilateral irradiation, accompanied by paresthesias and hemiplegia of the lower limbs, with alteration of his muscular strength considered Daniels scale ⅖ modificated by pain, imaging studies were performed with findings of discitis at the level of L2 L3 with bone destruction and presence of paravertebral collection with invasion of the canal and at the level of the psoas.


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How to Cite
Tobar Zamora IM, Guevara Guevara CA, Galo Wladimir OR. Pott’s disease. PFR [Internet]. 2024Nov.17 [cited 2025Feb.22];9(3). Available from: https://practicafamiliarrural.org/index.php/pfr/article/view/334
Casos clínicos y Ejercicios clínico patológicos