Enterobacter Cloacae Multiresistant causing community-level wound infection: case report

  • Susana Peñalfiel Mendoza, Dra. Facultad de Medicina, Postgrado de Medicina Familiar, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Andrea Tufiño Aguilar, Dra Facultad de Medicina, Postgrado de Medicina Familiar, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Keywords: Infection of wounds, level, multiresistant bacteria, rural areas


Between 2017-2018, the Biosafety Committee of the Hospital Pedro Vicente Maldonado, a rural hospital located in tropical zones serving a population of 12,000, reported 'thirty cases of infected wounds with poor response to antibiotics, of which (16% ) presented a poor or almost no response to conventional antibiotic treatment. In these lesions, the culture reports infection with enterobacteria of multiresistant strain of Enterobacter Cloacae.


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How to Cite
Peñalfiel Mendoza S, Tufiño Aguilar A. Enterobacter Cloacae Multiresistant causing community-level wound infection: case report. PFR [Internet]. 2018Jul.30 [cited 2024Dec.16];3(1). Available from: https://practicafamiliarrural.org/index.php/pfr/article/view/35
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