Evaluation of the general knowledge of Ecuadorian health professionals about kidney cancer

  • Fausto Gady Torres SuportaMed http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8006-4447
  • Tannia Soria, Dra. Solca
  • Andrea Moreno Specialty Hospital Eugenio Espejo
  • Erika Ruilova Solca - Machala
  • Paulina Irigoyen Hospital of specialties of the Ecuador Armed Forces
Keywords: Kidney cancer, early diagnosis, primary care


Introduction: kidney cancer, like any oncological pathology, has a better prognosis if it is diagnosed early, in general, the medical specialists are not the gateway of this disease to the health system, so it is essential to have certain clinical signs in non-specialist doctors or of different specialties.

Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge of the Ecuadorian Physicians on Kidney Cancer.

Methodology: A cross-sectional study was carried out, the information was collected through a survey designed for this research. the sample is calculated based on prevalences of regional knowledge with a confidence level of 95%.

Results: in general, the answers to the knowledge questions were high (61%), the score was higher in directly related specialties. The most affected component was the treatment (38%). 78% of doctors perceive that there is no adequate medication in the Ecuadorian market and more than half think that technology is still insufficient. 15% of professionals still believe that the management of Renal Cancer should be done exclusively by a medical oncologist.

Conclusions: There are knowledge gaps in health professionals, they occur in all components evaluated, it is necessary to strengthen the efforts of continuing education to avoid delays in the diagnosis of pathologies whose prognosis depends on early management.


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How to Cite
Torres FG, Soria T, Moreno A, Ruilova E, Irigoyen P. Evaluation of the general knowledge of Ecuadorian health professionals about kidney cancer. PFR [Internet]. 2018Jul.30 [cited 2024Dec.22];3(2). Available from: https://practicafamiliarrural.org/index.php/pfr/article/view/4