What is WONCA?

  • Carmen Elena Cabezas Faculty of Medicine, Postgraduate of Family Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Keywords: letters to the editor, What is Wonca?


The World Organization of Family Physicians and the name of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies (WONCA) and Academic Associations of General Practitioners / Family Physicians is the international organization that brings together universities, academies and associations in the practice of medicine general. The WONCA was founded in 1972 with 18 members, currently has more than 120 organizations from 131 countries. The WONCA organization is an organization affiliated with the World Health Organization (WHO).


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How to Cite
Cabezas CE. What is WONCA?. PFR [Internet]. 2018Jul.30 [cited 2024Sep.8];1(3). Available from: https://practicafamiliarrural.org/index.php/pfr/article/view/41