Epidemiological profile of emergency care at the Machachi Basic Hospital in 2018. Descriptive study to determine the relevance of the care provided

  • Andrés Viteri Mora, Md. Machachi Basic Hospital
Keywords: emergency, triage, type of attention


Introduction: The emergency service of the Machachi Basic Hospital is in high demand, which causes the congestion of the service and of the rest of the hospital services in general, exceeding the offer of both hospital and professional beds. This study is carried out in order to be able to establish which are the main causes of consultation to the emergency service and determine the percentage of them that warranted a specific type of service and obtain an epidemiological profile of the pathologies that are attended in the emergency determine the pattern of use of the service by the local population and the relationship with demographic variables with all that information provide an analysis tool to take measures aimed at optimizing the use of the service by the population with an adequate and effective management of hospital resources

Objectives: To establish the percentage of attentions in the emergency service of the Machachi Basic Hospital between January and December 2018 that were relevant according to the classification of triage used in the institution.

Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological study. Database with information obtained from the revision of 008 forms of emergency care throughout the year 2018 in the emergency service of Machachi Basic Hospital to classify care as emergent or non-emergent according to the Manchester triage system.

Expected results: Demonstrate the under utilization of the Machachi Basic Hospital emergency service to determine the corrective measures to be implemented


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How to Cite
Viteri Mora A. Epidemiological profile of emergency care at the Machachi Basic Hospital in 2018. Descriptive study to determine the relevance of the care provided. PFR [Internet]. 2019Mar.31 [cited 2024Dec.12];4(1). Available from: https://practicafamiliarrural.org/index.php/pfr/article/view/47