Analysis of information and images used to prevent Zika virus in Puerto Rico: How can messages be improved?
Mosquitoes are common insects that can be part of everyday life and, in addition to creating discomfort for humans, they also cause disease. Aedes aegyptis and aedes albopictus mosquitoes that are infected can transmit Zika virus. The infection can cause health complications. In 2015, an epidemic of the Zika virus emerged in Puerto Rico. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, the Department of Health of the Island issued print and digital public service announcements to prevent the Zika virus. Due to the purpose of these messages, it is necessary to analyze their structures to determine if the information was created persuasively. Therefore, within the theoretical framework of the probability elaboration model, this work makes a qualitative content analysis to examine the structure of the Zika virus prevention messages used during the epidemic in Puerto Rico. Through this study, the persuasive aspects of the messages are described, analyzed and evaluated and recommendations for the creation of future persuasive messages are included.
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