Family strategies in the face of the covid-19 crisis in the city of Santo Domingo - Ecuador: a descriptive study
Objective: To identify the strategies that families use to face the crisis of the covid-19 pandemic when they have at least one member with a chronic degenerative disease.
Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study, directed to an infinite universe, with a random sample. A survey was applied in digital format where sociodemographic data, family strategies were collected and coping was measured using the modified version of the French “Echèlle Toulousaine de Coping” scale. The data were processed in the statistical package SPSS version 20.0. Descriptive statistics measures, the chi square test and the Spearman correlation index were applied.
Results: There were 134 participants. The average age was 30 years. The majority were women (n = 86 (64.2%)). Most of the families did not make changes aimed at protecting people with chronic diseases (isolation, change of address). The individual coping response was passive (n = 90, 67.2%). The most used strategy for health evaluation was "the use of alternatives that avoided contact with professionals" (n = 67, 50%). Less than 10% of the participants reported that treatment had been abandoned (n = 6, 4.5%); and about a fifth (n = 29, 21.6%) used alternative medicine treatments for the diseases described. The type of coping (active or passive) was independent of sex, age, and type of home. Passive coping was related to those participants who were not unemployed. There was no significant correlation between age and level of coping (Ro = 0.058).
Conclusions: The predominant individual and family strategies were passive. The availability of a job influenced passive coping. There is no direct relationship between personal coping and family strategies.
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